hi this is a short video tutorial for how to use the four-year plan document to plan your design major and time at usf so as a design major each of you will have a document that we've made for you that looks like this that will be shared with you over google drive if you haven't received it already you'll be receiving it in the coming week so the document looks like this on the first page is an overview of how the courses for the design major are typically taken this has information and you do not edit this part the next page is where you'll map out your own four-year plan you'll list classes you plan to register for in the upcoming semester at any questions you have about your individual plan so each of you has one document that we've shared with you and you want to keep it in a safe place in your google drive because you will be editing it and updating it every semester between now and when you graduate so let me review with you how to do this so on this first page is the overview of how the courses in the design major are typically taken a little legend here so this little arrow pointing towards the left means it's a fall-only course and to the right means it's a spring only class so you can see this chart has the fall and spring semester optional summer intersession and then there's your four years here okay now some of you might be doing a design degree in slightly less than four years if you're a transfer student for instance and you can work with that in this document as well here's the typical way that classes are taken so in the fall of your freshman year you take these classes in the spring you take these classes you'll see here that everything that's black in black font is a design major requirement and everything that's sort of in this gray is a core class or language or cell the community engaged learning um or commun or cultural diversity so you'll also see there's some open electives those are classes that you get to take that aren't for your core or for your design major and some students end up taking a minor and putting those minor classes in this zone so a couple of things to note here just a note on art 102 our history two that note is down here you have to take either art 101 or history one or art 102 are history two you can take either for your design major the rest here is rather self-explanatory right so your freshman year you're doing design fundamentals history of western design viscom1 art history two in your sophomore year you're typically taking typography viscom2 and digital media design you'll see those little carrots right that means typography is a fall-only class and digital media is a spring-only class what that means is when you make your own four-year plan don't put digital media design in a fall semester because you can't take it then you'll see there are some spots for design electives and notes about design electives are down here so you have to take two design studio electives and one design seminar electives electives can be taken any time in your last two years preferably after you complete digital media design and electives rotate every semester and you can see a complete list of electives in our catalog okay so for instance design studio electives are right now these classes and seminars are right here all right so going back to the four-year plan in your senior year you'll continue design electives and take professional practice and also do design senior design projects and design internship now you'll notice that after the classes there's little numbers in parentheses right that indicates how many units the class is for so most classes at usf are four units but some are less so fabrication lab is one you'll see some of our design classes like professional practice there's a two unit class an internship is also a two unit class some general reminders you have to take a total of 120 units to graduate you have to take three semesters of a foreign language or test at the equivalent level if you have transfer units or study abroad units they might not convert into a four unit class and c e l and c d core requirements can overlap with core a to f right so sometimes students will take a cd class that's also a sociology class for instance okay all right so once you've reviewed this again you're not editing up here you are going to come down to the second page and you're going to create your own four-year plan what that's going to entail is you're putting in the years here so let's imagine you're a freshman so you're actually starting your classes in this current year 2021-2022 so you're going to write here all the classes you're currently taking for the fall and what you might take in the spring and fill out all this whole chart let's imagine you're not a freshman you're actually a junior or a senior these parts are then going to be filled out with classes you've already taken but it's very important you put those in any way okay so do not leave those blank based on this plan we're asking you to then fill in the classes you plan to register for for the upcoming semester and include some backups and then list any questions you have for your individual advisor so that's how you use this document and if you have any questions feel free to reach out thank you